DIRAC FileCatalog Database
- class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogDB.FileCatalogDB(databaseLocation='DataManagement/FileCatalogDB', parentLogger=None)
- __init__(databaseLocation='DataManagement/FileCatalogDB', parentLogger=None)
- Parameters:
self – self reference
- addFile(lfns, credDict)
Add a new File
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – indexed on file’s LFN, the values are dictionaries which contains the attributes of the files (PFN, SE, Size, GUID, Checksum)
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- addFileAncestors(lfns, credDict)
Add ancestor information for the given LFNs
- addGroup(groupName, credDict)
Add a new group
- Parameters:
groupName (str) – Name of the group
credDict – credential
- addReplica(lfns, credDict)
Add a replica to a File
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – keys are LFN. The values are dict with key PFN and SE (e.g. {myLfn : {“PFN” : “myPfn”, “SE” : “mySE”}})
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- addSE(seName, credDict)
Add a new StorageElement
- Parameters:
seName (str) – Name of the StorageElement
credDict – credential
- addUser(userName, credDict)
Add a new user
- Parameters:
userName (str) – Name of the User
credDict – credential
- buildCondition(condDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, limit=False, greater=None, smaller=None, offset=None, useLikeQuery=False)
Build SQL condition statement from provided condDict and other extra check on a specified time stamp. The conditions dictionary specifies for each attribute one or a List of possible values greater and smaller are dictionaries in which the keys are the names of the fields, that are requested to be >= or < than the corresponding value. For compatibility with current usage it uses Exceptions to exit in case of invalid arguments For performing LIKE queries use the parameter useLikeQuery=True
- changePathGroup(paths, credDict, recursive=False)
Bulk method to change Group for the given paths
- changePathMode(paths, credDict, recursive=False)
Bulk method to change Mode for the given paths
- changePathOwner(paths, credDict, recursive=False)
Bulk method to change Owner for the given paths
- countEntries(table, condDict, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None)
Count the number of entries wit the given conditions
- createDirectory(lfns, credDict)
Create new directories
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of directories
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- deleteEntries(tableName, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None)
Delete rows from “tableName” with N records can match the condition if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped, they can be single values or lists of values.
- deleteGroup(groupName, credDict)
Delete a group
- Parameters:
groupName (str) – Name of the group
credDict – credential
- deleteSE(seName, credDict)
Delete a StorageElement
- Parameters:
seName (str) – Name of the StorageElement
credDict – credential
- deleteUser(userName, credDict)
Delete a user
- Parameters:
userName (str) – Name of the User
credDict – credential
- executeStoredProcedure(packageName, parameters, outputIds, *, conn=None)
- executeStoredProcedureWithCursor(packageName, parameters, *, conn=None)
- exists(lfns, credDict)
- getCSOption(optionName, defaultValue=None)
- getCatalogCounters(credDict)
- getCounters(table, attrList, condDict, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None)
Count the number of records on each distinct combination of AttrList, selected with condition defined by condDict and time stamps
- getDirectoryDump(lfns, credDict)
Get a dump of the directories
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of directories
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. The successful values are dictionaries indexed “Files”, “Subdirs”
- getDirectoryMetadata(lfns, credDict)
Get standard directory metadata
- getDirectoryReplicas(lfns, allStatus, credDict)
- getDirectorySize(lfns, longOutput, fromFiles, recursiveSum, credDict)
Get the sizes of a list of directories
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
longOutput – if True, get also the physical size per SE (takes longer)
fromFiles – if True, recompute the size from the file tables instead of the precomputed values (takes longer)
recursiveSum – if True (default), takes into account the subdirectories
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. The successful values are dictionaries indexed “LogicalFiles” (nb of files), “LogicalDirectories” (nb of dir) and “LogicalSize” (sum of File’s sizes)
- getDistinctAttributeValues(table, attribute, condDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, connection=False, greater=None, smaller=None)
Get distinct values of a table attribute under specified conditions
- getFields(tableName, outFields=None, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None, useLikeQuery=False)
Select “outFields” from “tableName” with condDict N records can match the condition return S_OK(tuple(Field, Value)) if outFields is None all fields in “tableName” are returned if limit is not False, the given limit is set inValues are properly escaped using the _escape_string method, they can be single values or lists of values. if useLikeQuery=True, then conDict can return matched rows if “%” is defined inside conDict.
- getFileAncestors(lfns, depths, credDict)
- getFileDescendents(lfns, depths, credDict)
- getFileDetails(lfnList, credDict)
Get all the metadata for the given files
- getFileDetailsPublic(lfns, credDict)
Return all the metadata, including user defined, for those lfns that exist.
- Returns:
S_OK with a dictionary of LFNs to detailed information
- getFileMetadata(lfns, credDict)
Gets the metadata of a list of lfns
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- getFileSize(lfns, credDict)
Gets the size of a list of lfns
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- getGroups(credDict)
Returns the list of groups
- Parameters:
credDict – credential
- Returns:
dictionary indexed on the group name
- getLFNForGUID(guids, credDict)
Gets the lfns that match a list of guids
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of guid to look for
creDict – credential
- Returns:
S_OK({guid:lfn}) dict.
- getPathPermissions(lfns, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given lfns
- getReplicaStatus(lfns, credDict)
Gets the status of a list of replicas
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – <lfn, se name>
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- getReplicas(lfns, allStatus, credDict)
Gets the list of replicas of a list of lfns
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
allStatus – if all the status are visible, or only those defined in config[‘ValidReplicaStatus’]
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. Successful is indexed on the LFN, and the values are dictionary with the SEName as keys
- getSEDump(seNames)
Return all the files at given SEs, together with checksum and size
- Parameters:
seName – list of StorageElement names
- Returns:
S_OK with list of tuples (SEName, lfn, checksum, size)
- getUsers(credDict)
Returns the list of users
- Parameters:
credDict – credential
- Returns:
dictionary indexed on the user name
- hasAccess(opType, paths, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to execute the given operation on the given paths
returns Successful dict with True/False
- insertFields(tableName, inFields=None, inValues=None, conn=None, inDict=None)
Insert a new row in “tableName” assigning the values “inValues” to the fields “inFields”. String type values will be appropriately escaped.
- isDirectory(lfns, credDict)
Checks whether a list of LFNS are directories or not
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. The values of the successful dict are True or False whether it’s a dir or not
- isFile(lfns, credDict)
Checks whether a list of LFNS are files or not
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFN to check
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. The values of the successful dict are True or False whether it’s a file or not
- listDirectory(lfns, credDict, verbose=False)
List directories
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of directories
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict. The successful values are dictionaries indexed “Files”, “Datasets”, “Subdirs” and “Links”
- rebuildDirectoryUsage()
Rebuild DirectoryUsage table from scratch
- removeDirectory(lfns, credDict)
Remove directories
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of directories
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- removeFile(lfns, credDict)
Remove files
- Parameters:
lfns (list) – list of LFNs to remove
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- removeMetadata(pathMetadataDict, credDict)
Remove metadata for the given paths
- removeReplica(lfns, credDict)
Remove replicas
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – keys are LFN. The values are dict with key PFN and SE (e.g. {myLfn : {“PFN” : “myPfn”, “SE” : “mySE”}})
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- repairCatalog(credDict={})
Repair catalog inconsistencies
- setConfig(databaseConfig)
- setFileStatus(lfns, credDict)
Set the status of a File
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – dict indexed on the LFNs. The values are the status (should be in config[‘ValidFileStatus’])
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- setMetadata(path, metadataDict, credDict)
Add metadata to the given path
- setMetadataBulk(pathMetadataDict, credDict)
Add metadata for the given paths
- setReplicaHost(lfns, credDict)
- setReplicaStatus(lfns, credDict)
Set the status of a Replicas
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – dict indexed on the LFNs. The values are dict with keys “SE” and “Status” (that has to be in config[‘ValidReplicaStatus’])
creDict – credential
- Returns:
Successful/Failed dict.
- setUmask(umask)
- transactionCommit()
- transactionRollback()
- transactionStart()
- updateFields(tableName, updateFields=None, updateValues=None, condDict=None, limit=False, conn=None, updateDict=None, older=None, newer=None, timeStamp=None, orderAttribute=None, greater=None, smaller=None)
Update “updateFields” from “tableName” with “updateValues”. updateDict alternative way to provide the updateFields and updateValues N records can match the condition return S_OK( number of updated rows ) if limit is not False, the given limit is set String type values will be appropriately escaped.