
class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.WorkflowTasks.WorkflowTasks(transClient=None, logger=None, submissionClient=None, jobMonitoringClient=None, outputDataModule=None, jobClass=None, opsH=None, destinationPlugin=None, ownerDN=None, ownerGroup=None)

Bases: TaskBase

Handles jobs

__init__(transClient=None, logger=None, submissionClient=None, jobMonitoringClient=None, outputDataModule=None, jobClass=None, opsH=None, destinationPlugin=None, ownerDN=None, ownerGroup=None)

Generates some default objects. jobClass is by default “DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job.Job”. An extension of it also works: VOs can pass in their job class extension, if present


Get the list of job output LFNs from the provided plugin


Check the status of a list of files and return the new status of each LFN


Check the status of a list of tasks and return lists of taskIDs for each new status

prepareTransformationTasks(transBody, taskDict, owner='', ownerGroup='', ownerDN='', bulkSubmissionFlag=False)
Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB

jobClass is by default “DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job.Job”. An extension of it also works.

  • transBody (str) – transformation job template

  • taskDict (dict) – dictionary of per task parameters

  • owner (str) – owner of the transformation

  • ownerGroup (str) – group of the owner of the transformation

  • ownerDN (str) – DN of the owner of the transformation

  • bulkSubmissionFlag (bool) – flag for using bulk submission or not


S_OK/S_ERROR with updated taskDict


Submits a single job (which can be a bulk one) to the WMS.


To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class


Submit the tasks


Sets tasks status after the submission to “Submitted”, in case of success


To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class