Testing a service while developing it
As described in Testing (VO)DIRAC a way to test a service is to run an integration test, that can run when the service is actually running. It is also possible to write a proper unit test, but this is not always the recommended way. Reasons are:
It’s not always trivial to write a unit test for a service (while they exists)
The code inside a service is (should be) simple, no logic should be embedded in there: so, what you want to test, is its integration.
Exercise 1:
Write an integration test for HelloHandler. This test uses pytest, and assumes that the Hello service is running. The test stub follows:
# sut
from DIRAC.Core.Base.Client import Client
helloService = Client(url="Framework/Hello")
def test_success():
def test_failure():
As said, examples can be found in the DIRAC/tests/Integration/ package.