10.2.1. Workload Management System architecture
The WMS is a standard DIRAC system, and therefore it is composed by components in the following categories: Services, DBs, Agents, but also Executors. Databases
- JobDB
Main WMS database containing job definitions, status information and job parameters. It is used in most of the WMS components.
- JobLoggingDB
Simple Job Logging Database.
- PilotAgentsDB
Keep track of all the submitted grid pilot jobs. It also registers the mapping of the DIRAC jobs to the pilots.
- SandboxMetadataDB
Keep the metadata of the sandboxes.
- TaskQueueDB
The TaskQueueDB is used to organize jobs requirements into task queues, for easier matching.
All the DBs above are MySQL DBs with the only exception of the Elastic/OpenSearch backend for storing job parameters. Services
- JobManager
For submitting/rescheduling/killing/deleting jobs
- JobMonitoring
For monitoring jobs
- Matcher
For matching capabilities (of WNs) to requirements (of task queues –> so, of jobs)
- JobStateUpdate
For storing updates on Jobs’ status
- OptimizationMind
For Jobs scheduling optimization
- SandboxStore
Frontend for storing and retrieving sandboxes
- WMSAdministrator
For administering jobs and pilots
All these services are necessary for the WMS. Each of them should be installed using the system administrator console. You can have several instances of each of them running, with the exclusion of the Matcher and the OptimizationMind [TBC]. Agents
- SiteDirector
send pilot jobs to Sites/CEs/Queues
- JobCleaningAgent
clean old jobs from the system
- PilotStatusAgent
update the status of the pilot jobs on the PilotAgentsDB
- StalledJobAgent
hunt for stalled jobs in the Job database. Jobs in “running” state not receiving a heart beat signal for more than stalledTime seconds will be assigned the “Stalled” state.
All these agents are necessary for the WMS, and each of them should be installed using the system administrator console. You can duplicate some of these agents as long as you provide the correct configuration. A typical example is the SiteDirector, for which you may want to deploy even 1 for each of the sites managed.
Optional agents are:
- StatesAccountingAgent or StatesMonitoringAgent
Use one or the other. StatesMonitoringAgent is used for producing Monitoring plots through the Monitoring System. (so, using ElasticSearch as backend), while StatesAccountingAgent does the same job but using the Accounting system (so, MySQL as backend).
A very different type of agent is the JobAgent, which is run by the pilot jobs and should NOT be run in a server installation. Executors
- Optimizers
optimize job submission and scheduling. The four executors that are run by default are: InputData, JobPath, JobSanity, JobScheduling. The
executor is a wrapper around all executors that are to be run. The executor modules it will run is given by theLoad
configuration option.
The Optimizers
executor is necessary for the WMS. It should be installed using the system administrator console and it can also be duplicated.
To run additional executors inside the Optimizers
executor change its Load
parameter in the CS or during the
installation with the system administrator console:
install executor WorkloadManagement Optimizers -p Load=JobPath,JobSanity,InputData,MyCustomExecutor,JobScheduling
For detailed information on each of these components, please do refer to the WMS Code Documentation.